
Ninja Labs is a project created by INJ community developers, "From community to the community" is our guiding principle. As a robust project, we aim to build a committed community. We are counting on you; in this crypto world war, the Ninja Labs alliance is going to propel us forward.

Airdrop allocation

52,500,000 of Ninja Labs Coin($NLC), 52.5% of our total supply, will be airdropped.

Eligibility criteria:

Ninja Points

Ninja Points are a type of reward points that can be earned by playing games on https://testnet.pvp.ninjalabs.app. These points have a ratio of $NLC, which is our token. In the past, we held a Zealy Sprint event that allowed participants to earn Ninja Points. During this event, the community completed more than 6,000 quests to accumulate significant amounts of points. If you're interested in earning Ninja Points, simply visit https://testnet.pvp.ninjalabs.app and play games to accumulate as many points as possible. The more points you accumulate, the greater your chances of receiving a substantial amount of $NLC.

Be a $DOJO Holder

NLC will be launched through DojoSwap's airdrop. DojoSwap is a Key partner for Ninja Labs, and we aim to launch our token in a fair and transparent manner. Our team will receive full support from Dojo, which will offer several benefits for both Ninja Labs and NLC holders. We will announce these benefits soon.

Tips for being eligible

  • Play and Win Matches on https://pvp.ninjalabs.app

  • Do the Zealy tasks

  • Be a Liquidity provider

  • Hold $DOJO

The more you do, the more you earn.

The benefited stakeholders are in the snapshot, so we recommend you to be all of them.

Join our discord to stay tuned: https://discord.gg/Fjh3C5dcAM

Last updated