đŸĒ™NINJA Coin Flip

Welcome to Ninja Coin Flip!

In this game, players bet on the outcome of a coin flip. Players can choose to bet on heads or tails, with a minimum bet of 0.1 INJ. Once a player has created a game, they must wait for another player to join before the game can begin. The player who correctly predicts the outcome of the coin flip wins the pot.

How to create a game?

  • connect your wallet on the website

  • Go to the Ninja coin Flip tab

  • Click "create game"

Game creation screen

  • Ticket price: Amount you want to bet (Min 0.10 INJ)

  • Choose a side: Choose which side you want to play on!

  • Heads or Tails: Choose whether you want to bet on heads or tails.

  • Create: After entering the desired value and choosing your side, create your proposal and wait for an opponent to enter the dispute!

  • The game will begin once both players have joined.

Last updated